The United States is a nation of immigrants. Immigrants bring talent and diversity to our cities and our industry. Many of the Immigrants of today become the Entrepreneurs and the Innovators of tomorrow. Our nation needs their talent.
It is true that some people will lose their jobs to immigrants, but that is the system of capitalism. We want the jobs to be done by those who will do it better and at a lower cost. It is not good to blame a group for job loss, it is better to develop your skills and value to your employer. We believe that such assistance should be readily available.
We do not want to be a nation that has a sub caste of residents without rights or legal protections, There should be no second class human beings in the USA.
Every human being is entitled to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Many are fleeing communities of terror and abuse. Many seek amnesty and protection from nations who discriminate based on religious, ethnic, or racial profiles. As Thomas Jefferson cited, " Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
The United States struggles to accept immigrants. We fail to live up to our Declaration of Independence and the promise inscribed on the Statue of Liberty. Too often , every culture that has arrived has struggled to be accepted (1858- "Catholic Irish Need Not Apply").
J24 Charity does agree that we need to know who lives within our borders and require obedience to our laws, but that does not mean we can treat any group as second class citizens.
All human beings within our borders need access to assistance with the basic necessities of life. We need to help both legal and illegal immigrants become productive residents and citizens of the United States. We need a path to citizenship that is fair, reasonable, and responsible.
We encourage learning English and seeking citizenship.
Too many immigrants fleeing regimes around the World are being attracted by employers who break the law and human traffickers who exploit them.
Our organization, through its benefactors, seeks to provide financial assistance to both organizations and individuals through our donation and "personal grant" programs. As a small personal charity, we seek to personally assist with basic needs like housing, clothing, food, education, counseling, and legal aid.
Other 501c3 organizations only help large organizations with assistance that can have so much waste and administrative costs. Our charity can direct aid to individuals . We can provide funds, debit cards, and letters of recommendation to aid in daily needs, securing employment, and potentially even citizenship. We offer personal education programs.
Help us to help them become productive members of society for generations to come. Together, we can fulfill the American Dream for all citizens and immigrants alike. We can be the shining beacon on the hill, because there is plenty of room for all of us.
Our organization seeks to provide to immigrants the resources they need to secure a safe home, have children attend school, secure a job that pays a reasonable wage for the work done, pay taxes, and become a legal citizen of the USA.
We want to aid in the fight against exploitation by employers, landlords, and even entire industries that benefit by keeping a group of people in a second class status.
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