We offer public educational programs designed to inspire greater awareness and sensitivity to environmental concerns in order to change daily consumer habits that adversely impact the Planet. Through Social Media and local organizations, we encourage behavior that protects the environment, changes habits, and provides profitable ideas and methods to conserve and protect natural resources and reduce pollution.
Our education programs are free. We depend upon donations to the J24 Charity Trust to aid in support of our programs and operations. The J24 Charity Trust supports the need to be "personally seeking to save the planet one small way each day"™.
For business and government organizations, we offer education programs and an audit certification process for businesses to educate employees, review their environmental impact using a Six Sigma Analysis Process, and develop a valuable marketing strategy to communicate the benefit of these efforts to customers and prospects. Being a firm dedicated to reducing waste, conserving our environment, and becoming more efficient has marketing value that can help increase profitability and market share.
Our Programs Will Help You:
Learn more by contacting our organization at BillSchretter@J24Charity.org or call 513-268-2346. Our organization is efficient with the gifts that we receive because we are a 100% volunteer run organization.
The SavingThePlanet™ logo is designed to have no space between the words because we are meant to have no divisions as people, nations, and industries, As a human community living on a planet with abundant life in the midde of a assumied lifeless solar system, we must work together to save the planet. in unity we must work because the planet's system are all unified and co-dependent.
We provide these documents as a means to educate the public about environemental concens and encourage the small habit chages that are needed to save the planet One Small Way Each Day ™ .
Copyright © 2025 J24 Charity Trust (501c3) - All Rights Reserved.